Biden’s Unity Agenda

“You ought to see a united front on all four of those points. I think you ought to be able to see Republicans join with Democrats in unifying around an agenda to do things like end cancer, protect children’s mental health, fight the opioid epidemic, [and help our veterans]. These are common goals we ought to be able to share across Party lines.

"But you saw Republicans in that chamber boo the fact that 6.5 million new jobs were created in the last year; 369,000 new manufacturing jobs were created last year and Republicans boo’ed that news. I hope that the mainstream working Republicans in this country will take their party back from the elites in Washington and say that 'jobs are a good thing; “that we can agree that we ought to be able to work together to end cancer and protect our kids’ mental health. There are some goals that should be above partisan rhetoric that we should be able to unify around as one nation."