Big news - six times over


It’s a humbling experience to win a top prize in the campaigns and elections business.  Winning six seemed overwhelming at this year’s Reed Awards by Campaigns & Elections!

We feel so blessed to have the opportunity to help a diverse set of amazing clients across the country. We are humbled to have our work for your campaigns and advocacy projects honored with SIX Top Reed Awards and another 10 finalist recognitions for some of the best work in the country this election cycle – including the prestigious “Best of the Best” award for the single best piece of campaign mail as chosen by USPS.

Congratulations to our clients who received these national recognitions – including Billie Sutton, Councilwoman Jo Ann Hardesty, Representative Joe Tate, Mayor Frank Scott, Secretary of State Steve Simon, and so many more.



  • Best of the Best Direct Mail named by USPS

  • Best Use of Online Targeting for Gubernatorial Campaign

  • Best Use of Online Targeting for Ballot Initiative

  • Best Direct Mail Piece for Bootstrapped Campaign

  • Best Web Video for Gubernatorial Candidate

  • Best Website for State Legislative Candidate


  • Best Online Ad Campaign for Bootstrapped Campaign

  • Best Use of Online Targeting for Mayoral Candidate

  • Best Use of Online Targeting for Non-Federal Statewide Campaign

  • Best Online Advertising Creative

  • Best Use of Programmatic Advertising 

  • Best Web Video - 2 Minutes or Under 

  • Best Web Video For Statewide Candidate - Non-Federal

  • Best Use of Video on Social Platform

  • Best Comparative Mail Piece

  • Best Email Action Alert

    We are humbled to have the opportunity to serve on such amazing teams.

      Kate, Isaac, Amanda, and the FSSG team